We have received a number of emails about announcements regarding new LED lamp bulbs that are destined to solve all the issues of general illumination lighting - perfect color, great brightness and at what may be an affordable cost. The bulbs are not available or independent laboratory tested and can't be seen except, in one case, inside a glass-domed display.
While at Light Fair last week we some how missed seeing any of these astonishing breakthrough LED products. Lest we be seen as ESL-touting, LED naysayers - I thought it was interesting to see what people in the LED industry are saying about the state of LED lighting technology and some of these new "claims".
From "Solid State Lighting" magazine - May 17, 2010
"Light Fair, the USA's largest annual lighting-focused gathering, is always a good checkpoint for progress in the LED lighting front. There are never any real technological surprises, since progress in this field is fast-paced, but still incremental, as it is in any semiconductor-driven arena. In fact, if anyone is claiming something revolutionary, just plan to smile, nod and find someone who really knows about the technology to help debunk the over-zealous claims. Solid state lighting provides a perfect opportunity for producing junk, vapor or smoke and mirrors (it's important that the two are combined for the most spectacular effect) --"
FYI - we have heard no claims about break-through, high performance LED Reflector Bulbs. All of the announcements have been regarding lamp bulbs.